Lucky Dog Animal Rescue Receives Shining World Hero Award
In September 2018, as the Carolinas were facing long-lived and powerful Hurricane Florence, the volunteers of Lucky Dog Animal Rescue rushed to the animal shelters in South Carolina that were in danger of being flooded and transported the animal residents north even before the storm struck. Lucky Dog Animal Rescue's story was covered by a dozen local and national media outlets, including the Washington Post and Fox News, warming the hearts of those affected by the hurricane. Supreme Master Ching Hai was touched by the loving, courageous deeds of Lucky Dog Animal Rescue and honored the organization's founder and executive director Ms. Mirah Horowitz and her team with the Shining World Hero Award along with a contribution of US$ 30,000.
빛나는 세계상 수상자들: 미들 아일랜드 펭귄들의 수호천사, 2부 중 2부
2021-06-16 Australia
2021-06-16 Australia
빛나는 세계상 수상자들: 미들 아일랜드 펭귄들의 수호천사, 2부 중 1부
2021-06-09 Australia
2021-06-09 Australia
빛나는 세계 영웅상 수상자: 필립 월렌 (비건) - 대의명분의 챔피언
2021-06-02 USA
2021-06-02 USA
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2021-05-19 USA
2021-05-19 USA
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2021-02-24 USA
2021-02-24 USA
Finding Gobi – A Story of Love and Loyalty
2020.06.22 UK
2020.06.22 UK
빛나는 세계 영웅상 수상자: 보우자 - 생명을 구한 견공
2020-12-23 UK
2020-12-23 UK
빛나는 세계 영웅상 수상자: 다정한 핏불 하비
2020-08-12 USA
2020-08-12 USA