Rahni – Faithful German Shepherd
Rahni, the super canine puppy and companion of the Irving family received the Shining World Hero Award on November 8, Golden Year 5 (2008), for saving the lives of her loved ones from a raging fire that destroyed their home.
On the night of August 8, the home of the Irvings, located on the Queensland Gold Coast, Australia, was devastated by an intense fire. Lisa Irving, wife of Greg and mother of John and Ben Irving, was sitting outside at the back of the house when Rahni alerted her to the impending fire just seconds before it raged through their home.
At the Award presentation, Rahni was accompanied by Lisa, who was grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for honoring Rahni with such a prestigious Award and for all the lovely gifts, especially for the hero dog. When Lisa received the surprise cash contribution of US$2,000 from Master to help them rebuild their lives, she exclaimed, “Thank you, Supreme Master. There’re no words other than thank you. I’m just bowled over.”
As written in Rahni’s Award letter from Master: “What an intelligent and caring puppy you are! Your human companions are indeed blessed to be with such a special German Shepherd as you.” Thank you, Rahni, for your brave-heart and for being a shining example of love and loyalty.